Sunday, November 25, 2007


Thursdays: tomorrow is friday!

Fridays: have a great weekend!

Mondays: How was your weekend!

typical conversation for everyone at work! however, the issue that have been rarely noticed would be we are counting down our lives!

as an average life for 60 years, each week is approximately 0.03% of 60 yrs life! it means each 8 months, 1% of ur life is gone...
che khosh goft shaer ke:
بشنو این نکته که خود را زغم آزاده کنی
خون خوری گر طلب روزی ننهاده کنی
آخرالامر گل کوزه گران خواهی شد
حالیا فکر صبو کن که پر از باده کنی

Thursday, November 15, 2007

fold or call?

just assume u have called a big re-raise on top of raise with a not very solid hand like jack king...suited though loll...on the flop u get ur flush draw!, i call it "che konam" is tough to fold and it is freaking insane to call ...this irrelevant introduction is a small symbol of my debate with life...u work u get raised u make more money as twice, three times and four times...two plans pop up...should i invest? should i listen to my old-fashioned thought? or should i go for my porsche and start travelling and enjoying my life without huge mortgage? buying a small place vs. a land? ...5 yrs ago i had the same ended up to a small land! ...but this time the sound of porsche's engine is finding his way i think...i will keep u and myself posted soon lolll

Monday, November 5, 2007

همه ازخداییم و بسوی او می رویم

دیروز خبر فوت عزیزی سنگ نوشته مزار جدم را به یادم آورد

هرکه باشی و زهر جا برسی

آخرین منزل هستی این است

آدمی هرچه توانگر باشد

چون بدین نقطه رسد مسکین است

مضحک ترین مسایل در این صبا : کدورت - بخل - حسادت - کینه - ناحقی - دروغ - خیانت - ووووووو

خدایا منعمم گردان به درویشی و خرسندی